Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Healing Starts Here, The Importance of Rest and Self Care

"Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel" *Eleanor Brownn*

Stress is the underlying cause of many chronic diseases. It is the global epidemic of today.

The healing of our bodies starts by reconnecting with it's primary needs - rest, nutrition, and wholesome mind/soul nourishment.

The Body of Love blog is a source of information on how to nurture, nourish and sustain yourself first, so that you can be of greater service to those you love and serve.

Keeping grounded and focused is one of my greatest challenges. I find my grounding in a job as a retail consultant. The day to day activities and interactions with people from a multitude of backgrounds helps me to keep from going so far inwards that I literally want to disappear.

I am working on mastering the balance between the constant hum of brain activity and creativity, and grounded action. And until then there will always be a sense of uneasiness. In me, that uneasiness manifests as anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression put a lot of pressure on your immune system and can lead to aches and pains, autoimmune diseases including fibromyalgia, and my personal favorite, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Many of these symptoms are hard to diagnose and many women in particular will brush them off as PMS or general tiredness and malaise.

How many of us have pushed past our body's need to rest, only to have it shut down on us in protest?

To start the journey to wellness, many experts recommend revamping the diet first and minimizing the inflammation in the body. I can attest to this as poor eating habits trigger pain in the 'weak spots' in my body, make my brain fuzzy and make it difficult to stay focused.

Due to a damaged back, I  practice very gentle exercise such as walking - or “mediation in movement” as I like to call it - and gentle yoga helps to keep the lymph system energized.

 I find time in my day-to-day busyness  to celebrate the divine spirit. These include offerings of gratitude, soul food in the form of affirmations, and working with crystals and aromatherapy to calm the senses. These activities are important to my mental and emotional state of health. 

It is essential now more than ever that we take the time to take care of our emotions and our environment. It is essential that we are energized and revitalized to push on through these rapidly changing times and come out the other side unscathed.

I am truly honored that you are here, and I hope that the information and resources I share will bring some comfort and clarity to your life and soul. 

Remember; Keep on growing - keep on glowing.

Love, light and blessings


  1. I'm already a fan, I love this! Thanks for sharing this important journey/information :-) p.s. I'm an old friend of Belinda's back in the Clark U. days ~ Amy Farber Shumway

    1. thank you so much for visiting Amy! As you can see we are just starting out - come back and visit soon. Horses are a passion of mine as well - maybe do an article on how horses relieve stress? Blessings



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